President Maribeth Calabro
RIFTHP Educators Learn Trauma Informed Strategies Over February Break
As part of it’s on-going 2024 Virtual RIFTHP Professional Development offerings, over 20 RI teachers have registered for our currently running, 10 Trauma Informed Strategies to Help Students Heal 10-session series. Not only are these teachers attending 2 sessions per week from 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM after a full day in the classroom, they are attending 2 evening sessions during February Break. This is what educators do on vacation!
The 10-session series is designed to help teachers gain deeper understanding of how adversity can impact children’s developing brains, behaviors, and explore strategies that promote healing from various traumatic events and circumstances.
Over 200 teachers have accessed the RIFTHP’s virtual PD sessions since this fall, either in the evening or by accessing them on our PD Google Site.