Paula Akers Memorial Scholarship

The R.I. American Federation of Teachers/Retired is pleased to announce that it will be annually awarding scholarships in the amount of $1000.00 to high school seniors in honor of R.I. AFT/R former President Paula Akers.  The scholarships are to be awarded for any post high school education: 2- or 4-year college, university, or technical school.  As retired educators, we feel this is a membership benefit that is well worth the investment of our dues, time, and effort.

The following prerequisites must be followed in order to nominate a candidate:

  • You must be a current member of the RI AFT/R to nominate a student.

  • The student must be related to the member.

  • The application must provide the required information and be sent to the RI AFT/R Selection Committee postmarked no later than May 2, 2025.

The scholarship application must include the following:

  • Official high school transcript 

  • Evidence of participation in extra-curricular activities or community activities

  • Recommendation from a teacher of a senior subject

  • Any recognition or awards already received

  • A list of colleges, universities, or technology schools to which applications have been sent, including those that have accepted the applicant

  • A one-page personal statement written by the student indicating any additional information which would be helpful to the committee while considering your application * The committee does place considerable weight on this portion.

This notice serves as the application. There is no actual application to fill out other than supplying the above mentioned documents, but the following link is a page that should be filled out to assist you and ensure that nothing is omitted. Paula Akers Memorial Scholarship cover page
